ISCRE 27: Chemical Reaction Engineering for Sustainable Development
2023 Neal R. Amundson Award Recipient
The Neal R. Amundson Award for Excellence in Chemical Reaction Engineering recognizes pioneers in the field of Chemical Reaction Engineering who have exerted a major influence on the theory and/or practice of the field, through originality, creativity, and novelty of concept or application. The award is made every three years at an ISCRE or NASCRE meeting, and consists of a plaque and a check in the amount of $5,000. The Amundson Award is generously supported by a grant from the ExxonMobil Corporation. It will be presented at the ISCRE 27 meeting in Quebec in June 2023.
The ISCRE Board is pleased to announce that Professor Klavs F. Jensen, the Warren K. Lewis Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was selected as the winner of the Amundson award.
apeutic applications.
• He has greatly expanded the chemical manufacturing toolbox by conceptualizing continuous multistep synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, revolutionizing pharmaceutical manufacturing with nimble small-scale production of new active p Professor Klavs F. Jensen was nominated "for pioneering reaction engineering of pharmaceuticals, chemical process miniaturization, and materials systems, and his work has had a tremendous impact on the field and practice of chemical reaction engineering.”Excerpts from the nomination include: • Prof. Jensen pioneered micro-reaction technologies to elucidate chemical kinetics along with rate-limiting processes in heterogeneous catalysis, multiphase reactions, and the synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles, which led to new technologies for portable energy, biochemical processes, and reactions relevant to novel therharmaceutical ingredients.
• His efforts to integrate machine learning and artificial intelligence into chemical reaction engineering formed the basis for the Machine Learning for Pharmaceutical Discovery and Synthesis consortium of major pharmaceutical and chemical companies, which has innovated a path for computer-aided and automated chemical synthesis. View past Amundson Award winners
• He has greatly expanded the chemical manufacturing toolbox by conceptualizing continuous multistep synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, revolutionizing pharmaceutical manufacturing with nimble small-scale production of new active p Professor Klavs F. Jensen was nominated "for pioneering reaction engineering of pharmaceuticals, chemical process miniaturization, and materials systems, and his work has had a tremendous impact on the field and practice of chemical reaction engineering.”Excerpts from the nomination include: • Prof. Jensen pioneered micro-reaction technologies to elucidate chemical kinetics along with rate-limiting processes in heterogeneous catalysis, multiphase reactions, and the synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles, which led to new technologies for portable energy, biochemical processes, and reactions relevant to novel therharmaceutical ingredients.
• His efforts to integrate machine learning and artificial intelligence into chemical reaction engineering formed the basis for the Machine Learning for Pharmaceutical Discovery and Synthesis consortium of major pharmaceutical and chemical companies, which has innovated a path for computer-aided and automated chemical synthesis. View past Amundson Award winners
2023 Rutherford Aris Award Recipient
The Rutherford Aris Award recognizes outstanding contributions in experimental and/or theoretical reaction engineering research of investigators in early stages of their career. The recipient must be less than 40 years of age at the end of the calendar year in which the award is presented. The Aris Award is generously supported by a grant from the UOP, L.L.C., a Honeywell Company. The award will be presented at ISCRE 27 and consists of a plaque, an honorarium of $3,000, and up to $2,000 in travel funds to present at the meeting.
The ISCRE Board is pleased to announce that Professor Rajamani Gounder, Larry and Virginia Faith Professor at Purdue University has been selected as the winner of the Aris Award from a large pool of outstanding candidates.
Prof. Gounder was nominated for breakthrough discoveries of how porous catalysts regulate the diffusion of molecules and active sites to control catalytic behavior for hydrocarbon upgrading and nitrogen oxide reduction. Raj is the L.V. Faith Professor at Purdue and completed a post-doc at the California Institute of Technology and his doctoral thesis at Berkeley. Since 2015, he has garnered over 20 awards and honors for teaching and national awards for research. Prof. Gounder has published close to 100 articles, many in high impact factor journals.Excerpts from the nomination include:• Raj’s innovative materials synthesis, combined with his mastery of kinetics and mechanisms, enable him to make breakthroughs that elude others.• Raj’s elegant experiments led to the discovery that ammonia solvates Cu ions to form homogeneous-like coordination complexes in situ, and mobilizes them to allow dynamic interconversion of mononuclear and multinuclear complexes during the catalytic cycle• His recent work in olefin oligomerization uncovered that heavier hydrocarbon products accumulate within zeolite micropores during reaction, imposing barriers to molecular transport that govern rate, selectivity, and deactivation
View past Aris Award winners
Poster Session Awards
Monday session1. Dalma Schieppati, “Ultrasound-Assisted Esterification of Lignin to Biolubricants”2. Mayank Tanwar, “Selective Reduction of O2 for the Synthesis of H2O2 via H2 and Hydroxyquinone Mediators”3. David Kenney, “Integrated Supercritical Hydrothermal Mineralization for Waste to Carbon Capture”
Tuesday session1. Swapnil Sharma, “Non-Linear Asymmetric Convection in Cryogenic Insulation Layers of LNG and LH2 Storage Tanks”2. Léa Camousseigt, “Kinetic Model of the Thermal and Catalytic Ageing of the Axlebox Grease”3. Amin Solouki, “Microwave-Assisted Nickel and Vanadium Removal from Crude Petroleum Oil Using D2EHPA: A Kinetic Study” Special Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Award from RSC Sustainability: Andrea Locaspi, “Kinetic Modeling of Plastic Waste Thermochemical Recycling: Polethylene Terephthalate Pyrolysis”Special Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Award from Reaction Chemistry and Engineering: Eleni Grammenou, “Design of a Miniaturized CSTR for Kinetic Studies Using Inline Raman Spectroscopy”
Tuesday session1. Swapnil Sharma, “Non-Linear Asymmetric Convection in Cryogenic Insulation Layers of LNG and LH2 Storage Tanks”2. Léa Camousseigt, “Kinetic Model of the Thermal and Catalytic Ageing of the Axlebox Grease”3. Amin Solouki, “Microwave-Assisted Nickel and Vanadium Removal from Crude Petroleum Oil Using D2EHPA: A Kinetic Study” Special Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Award from RSC Sustainability: Andrea Locaspi, “Kinetic Modeling of Plastic Waste Thermochemical Recycling: Polethylene Terephthalate Pyrolysis”Special Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Award from Reaction Chemistry and Engineering: Eleni Grammenou, “Design of a Miniaturized CSTR for Kinetic Studies Using Inline Raman Spectroscopy”
Travel Awards
The organizers of ISCRE 27 have secured travel funds from the National Science Foundation to support the participation of young researchers. See our Travel and Hotel page for more information
Key Dates
Milestone | Date |
Call for Abstracts | 29 August 2022 |
Abstract Deadline | 16 December 2022 |
Online Registration | 13 February 2023 |
Notification of Acceptance | 13 February 2023 |
Travel Award Notification | 7 April 2023 |
Early Registration Deadline | 31 March 2023 |