ISCRE International Symposia on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Inc.
3rd North American Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (NASCRE-3)
Chemical Reaction Engineering for a Sustainable Future: Addressing New Challenges
and Revisiting Persistent Problems in Energy, Environmental, and Chemicals Research
The NASCRE-3 conference fee includes one copy of the preprint flash drive, the opening reception, refreshments during program breaks and poster sessions, and the conference banquet and final day lunch.
Early Registration
(on or before February 15, 2013)
Regular (includes conference banquet): $400
Student/Postdoc (with banquet): $400
Student/Postdoc (without banquet): $300
Standard Registration (after February 15, 2013)
Regular (includes conference banquet): $450
Student/Postdoc (with banquet): $450
Student/Postdoc (without banquet): $350
Workshop Registration
Computational Catalysis: $50
Computational Transport and Reaction: $50
Both computational workshops will be held on Sunday, March 17 from 2:30 to 5:30 PM. The fee covers workshop materials and refreshment break. Seating is limited to 50 people for each workshop, on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Westin Galleria Houston will host NASCRE-3. To reserve a room, you must call the Westin directly. The conference room rate for $159/night may still be available.
Ground Transportation
Airport shuttles can be arranged using the following links: