International Symposia on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Inc.

3rd North American Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (NASCRE-3)

Chemical Reaction Engineering for a Sustainable Future: Addressing New Challenges
and Revisiting Persistent Problems in Energy, Environmental, and Chemicals Research

Meeting Registration

The NASCRE-3 conference fee includes one copy of the preprint flash drive, the opening reception, refreshments during program breaks and poster sessions, and the conference banquet and final day lunch.

  • Early Registration (on or before February 15, 2013)
    • Regular (includes conference banquet): $400
    • Student/Postdoc (with banquet): $400
    • Student/Postdoc (without banquet): $300
  • Standard Registration (after February 15, 2013)
    • Regular (includes conference banquet): $450
    • Student/Postdoc (with banquet): $450
    • Student/Postdoc (without banquet): $350
  • Workshop Registration
    • Computational Catalysis: $50
    • Computational Transport and Reaction: $50

Both computational workshops will be held on Sunday, March 17 from 2:30 to 5:30 PM. The fee covers workshop materials and refreshment break. Seating is limited to 50 people for each workshop, on a first-come, first-served basis.

Conference Hotel

hotel viewThe Westin Galleria Houston will host NASCRE-3. To reserve a room, you must call the Westin directly. The conference room rate for $159/night may still be available.

Ground Transportation

Airport shuttles can be arranged using the following links:

Taxi service can be arranged using the following link:


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