The Neal R. Amundson Award
Professor Milorad P. Dudukovic was nominated "for advancing the fundamental understanding of multiphase reaction engineering systems and for his lifelong dedication to teaching and promoting chemical reaction engineering."
His efforts have been the basis for the development of a commercial reactor as well as robust models for different manufacturing processes.
Prof. Ray was nominated “For pioneering contributions to reaction engineering, specifically the development of polymer reaction engineering fundamentals and methods." As aptly put in the nomination, Professor Ray has defined the field of polymer reaction engineering. It translates fundamental discoveries in polymer chemistry, fluid flow, mass and heat transfer into reaction units for producing polymers of critical importance to our daily life and the worldwide economy. The numbers and functionalities of polymers have expanded dramatically over the past three decades. We are now able to produce polymers with high degree of control of the basic molecular repeat units to realize specific characteristics, such as high strength and low weight. These polymers are made in complex reaction units working at high temperature and pressures. The design and control of these reactors is critical to realizing today’s tailored polymers. Our understanding of fundamental chemical processes underlying these complex systems and our ability to produce useful products are in large measure due to the work of Harmon and his students.