24th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering

Sponsorship Information

Sponsorship of ISCRE symposia prominently displays your organization's commitment to advancing the practice of chemical reaction engineering. The funds help to keep the meeting registration affordable and support promising young engineers through travel awards. Please see the sponsorship flyer, or contact sponsorship@iscre.org for more information on how your company can become involved.

Fee ($ U.S.)
Company’s name displayed on banner in registration area and on slide displayed during introductory remarks each morning
Company logo on the ISCRE 24 website (with live link), promotional materials, and related on-site program material and signage, including meeting room screen saver
One complimentary exhibit space (6’ by 3’ table top booth) with opportunity to provide items of publicity
One plenary talk named for your company, with option for a company representative to introduce that plenary speaker
Complimentary symposium registrations
Named sponsor of 10 student travel awards (e.g., ABC Chemical Company Student Travel Award for ISCRE 24), with option to select and contact awarded students

Key Dates

June 29, 2015— Call for Abstracts

November 30, 2015— Abstract Submission Deadline

January 15, 2016— Amundson & Aris Award Nomination Deadline

January 22, 2016— Notification of Acceptance

February 1, 2016— Registration Opens

April 18, 2016— Manuscript Submission Deadline

April 22, 2016— Early Registration Deadline