4th North American Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering


Making Boundaries Malleable: Advancing Reaction Engineering through New Materials, Unique Chemistries and Advanced Computation

March 10-13, 2019, Houston Texas, U.S.A.

Overview »


Meeting Information

Please download the NASCRE 4 Fast Facts sheet for important meeting details, including on-site registration information. (PDF format)

Fast Facts »

Amundson & Aris Awards

The Neal R. Amundson Award and the Rutherford Aris Award will be presented at NASCRE 4.

Amundson Announcement »

Aris Announcement »

Key Dates

Aug 18, 2018 — Open Call for Abstracts

Nov 2, 2018 — Award Nomination Deadline

Nov 19, 2018 — Abstract Deadline

Dec 7, 2018 — Online Registration Begins

Dec 14, 2018 — Notification of Acceptance

Feb 1, 2019 — Early Registration Deadline