4th North American Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering

Conference Program

Session 3: Reaction Engineering of Biofuels and Renewables I
Mon. March 11, Post Oak
Co-Chairs: Heather Mayes (University of Michigan), Xiaowei Zhou (Chemours)
9:30 - 10:20 AM Keynote: "Renewable Acrylonitrile Production" Gregg Beckham (159)
10:20 - 10:45 AMRefreshment Break
10:45 - 11:10 AM"Waste2 to Energy Processing: HTL Upgrading of Food Waste using Inexpensive, Alkaline Waste Catalysts", Alex Maag, Alex Paulsen, Ted Amundsen, Paul Yelvington, Geoffrey Tompsett and Michael Timko (122)
11:10 - 11:35 AM"Developing a Viable Lignin Biorefinery: Sequential Lignin Ozonation, Catalytic Depolyermization, and Resin Formation", Kakasaheb Nandiwale, Julian Silverman, Andrew Danby, R. V. Chaudhari and Bala Subramaniam (27)
11:35 AM - 12:00 PM"Dehydra-Decyclization of Cyclic Ethers For Renewable Rubber Monomers", Paul Dauenhauer, Omar Abdelrahman, Stavros Caratzoulas and Dionisios Vlachos (120)
12:00 - 12:25 PM"Kinetic Modeling of Oxidation Ethylene Glycol to Glycolic Acid by Mono and Bimetallic Pt Based Catalysts", Honghong Shi, Bala Subramaniam and Raghunath Chaudhari (143)

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Key Dates

Aug 18, 2018 — Open Call for Abstracts

Nov 2, 2018 — Award Nomination Deadline

Nov 19, 2018 — Abstract Deadline

Dec 7, 2018 — Online Registration Begins

Dec 14, 2018 — Notification of Acceptance

Feb 1, 2019 — Early Registration Deadline