4th North American Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering

Conference Program

Session 5: In Honor of Dan Luss II
Mon. March 11, Galleria I & II
Co-Chairs: Mike Harold (University of Houston), Vemuri Balakotaiah (University of Houston)
1:30 - 1:55 PM"Chemical Reaction Engineering: Quo Vadis", Jan Lerou (173)
1:55 - 2:20 PM"No Equations, No Variables, No Space and No Time - Data and the Modeling of Complex Dynamical Systems", Yannis Kevrekidis (174)
2:20 - 2:45 PM"Thermodynamics of Carbon Dioxide as a Feedstock, and its Conversion through Electrochemistry with Renewable Power", James Lattner (169)
2:45 - 3:10 PMRefreshment Break
3:10 - 3:35 PM"Chemical Reaction Engineering for Inherently Safer Chemical Processing and Process Intensification", Benjamin A. Wilhite (172)
3:35 - 4:00 PM"Wall Temperature Modulates Transversal Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Shallow, Non-adiabatic Packed-bed Reactors", K. Narendiran and Ganesh A. Viswanathan (81)
4:00 - 4:25 PM"Dynamic Accumulation as a Tool for Materials Characterization", Yixiao Wang, Gregory Yablonsky, M. Ross Kunz, Harry Rollins, Skyler Siebers and Rebecca Fushimi (129)

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Key Dates

Aug 18, 2018 — Open Call for Abstracts

Nov 2, 2018 — Award Nomination Deadline

Nov 19, 2018 — Abstract Deadline

Dec 7, 2018 — Online Registration Begins

Dec 14, 2018 — Notification of Acceptance

Feb 1, 2019 — Early Registration Deadline