4th North American Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering

Conference Program

Session 12: Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalytic Reaction Engineering I
Tues. March 12, Tanglewood, Bellaire
Co-Chairs: Jeff Rimer (University of Houston), Praveen Bollini (University of Houston)
10:30 - 10:55 AM"Simulated Moving Bed Reactor for P-Xylene Production: Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization", Qian Shi, Jonathan C. Gonçalves, Alexandre F. P. Ferreira and Alírio E. Rodrigues (45)
10:55 - 11:20 AM"Tuning C3/C2 Ratio in Dual Catalyst Synthesis Gas-To-Olefins Processes: Role of Hydrogenation on Selectivity", Joseph DeWilde, Alexey Kirilin, Vera Santos, Adam Chojecki, Kinga Scieranka and Andrzej Malek (72)
11:20 - 11:45 AMRefreshment Break
11:45 AM - 12:35 PM Keynote: "Ethylene Carbonylation Revisited: New Paradigms", Beata Kilos (161)
12:35 - 1:00 PM"Hydrogenolysis of Carbon-Chlorine Bonds in Aromatic Molecules", Jalal Tavana, Mohammed Al-Gharrawi, M. Clayton Wheeler and Thomas Schwartz (46)
1:00 - 1:25 PM"The Effect of Radiation in Particle-Resolved CFD Simulations of Fixed-Bed Reactors", Gregor D. Wehinger (44)

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Key Dates

Aug 18, 2018 — Open Call for Abstracts

Nov 2, 2018 — Award Nomination Deadline

Nov 19, 2018 — Abstract Deadline

Dec 7, 2018 — Online Registration Begins

Dec 14, 2018 — Notification of Acceptance

Feb 1, 2019 — Early Registration Deadline